Avoid These Bathroom Remodelling Blunders for a Perfect Upgrade

Ever wondered what happens when bathroom remodelling takes an unexpected turn? Before you dive into the whirlpool of design dreams and bathroom remodelling plans, let's talk about the "Don'ts" that can make or break your project.

I've seen my fair share of bathroom blunders, and I’ll guide you away from the pitfalls ensuring your project unfolds seamlessly and results in a space that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Proper planning is key to a successful bathroom renovation, and that includes budgeting for potential unexpected costs. This blog explores common mistakes and best practices for bathroom remodels. One way to avoid unpleasant surprises is by understanding the average renovation costs in your city. Our blog How Much Should You Spend on Renovations offers valuable insights into budgeting for renovations, including potential cost factors for bathroom projects. By familiarizing yourself with typical renovation costs, you can create a more realistic budget and avoid hidden expenses that can derail your bathroom renovation project.

  1. Neglecting Wall-Mounted faucets Planning

When it comes to redesigning your bathroom, the appeal of wall-mounted faucets can be irresistible. The promise of saving space and achieving a sleek, modern look is undeniably appealing.

However, tread carefully, as the path to a successful bathroom remodel doesn't always follow the expected trajectory. Let's explore common mistakes associated with wall-mounted faucets and unravel essential tips to avoid a design disaster.

One common mistake is underestimating the complexities of plumbing behind the walls. Without a comprehensive understanding of your plumbing system, you may encounter unforeseen challenges during installation, compromising both aesthetics and functionality.

Wall-Mounted Faucet

Another misstep is neglecting the importance of selecting the right faucet height and placement. A failure to align the faucet correctly with the sink or basin can lead to awkward water flow and splashing issues, undermining the very essence of a well-planned design.

To avoid these pitfalls, ensure you engage in thorough research and consult with professionals. Consider the specifics of your bathroom space, plumbing infrastructure, and the desired aesthetic to create a comprehensive plan.

By consulting a professional plumber early on and carefully planning the placement of wall-mounted faucets, you can elevate your bathroom's ambiance with the perfect integration of wall-mounted faucets that blends modernity with classic elegance.

2. Non-functional Toilets: When Fancy Becomes a Flop

Falling prey to aesthetically appealing but non-functional toilets can be frustrating for homeowners. In fact, the WaterSense program reports that toilets account for approximately 30% of household water usage, highlighting the importance of water-saving functionality.

Imagine, you're excited about your bathroom renovation recently and installed an expensive, non-functional toilet design. I've felt the same thrill, only to face a few unexpected challenges mentioned below:

Leaky Seals: Ever woken up to a wet bathroom floor? My fancy toilet had a flawed design that caused leaks with water pooling around the base. It dampened not just the floor but my excitement too.

Solution: The culprit is often a faulty seal. Replace it with a high-quality wax ring, ensuring a secure and watertight connection. Or invest in quality gaskets and ensure proper installation. It's a small detail but a game-changer to prevent leaks and water damage.

Improper Water Levels: Your toilet seems perfect until you realize the water levels are inconsistent or too high.

Solution: Adjust the float mechanism in the toilet tank to achieve the optimal water level, preventing overflow and maintaining efficiency.

Inefficient Flushing: Your new smart toilet's flushing system isn't as powerful as expected, leading to frequent clogs.

Solution: Check the water pressure and supply. Sometimes, upgrading to a pressure-assisted toilet or addressing plumbing issues can enhance flushing efficiency. Ideally, opt for models with powerful flush systems, ensuring efficient waste removal.

Constant Repairs: Fancy toilets often bring fancy bills for repairs. My initial excitement turned into frustration with frequent maintenance needs.

Solution: Before falling for a stylish design, prioritize durability. Choose toilets made from high-quality materials, saving you from constant repair hassles.


A toilet should be more than just a pretty fixture, it should be a reliable and functional part of your daily life. Don't let the look of fancy designs overshadow practicality. Make informed choices, and your bathroom will thank you.

3. Bathroom floor tile installation gone wrong

Improper tile installations can lead to significant problems, such as cracking, moisture buildup, water leaks, and uneven surfaces. One study conducted by Daltile found that 73% of consumer complaints regarding tile installations were related to improper installation practices.

A homeowner might think that they've saved money by placing tiles on existing surfaces, only to find out it's a huge mistake. I've felt the same way and let me share my experience to guide you through the do's and don'ts.

Tile on Existing Surface: Installing tiles on top of existing surfaces might seem like a budget-friendly move, but it often leads to buckling and cracking.

Solution: Always lay tiles on a cement surface to prevent these issues. It ensures durability and a lasting finish.

Moisture Buildup: You might think bathroom tiles can handle moisture, but improper installation can lead to moisture buildup, damaging the tiles and the floor.

Solution: Properly grout and seal the tiles. This protects against moisture, making your bathroom both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Incorrect Grouting: Poor grouting can ruin the appearance of your tiled floor, and over time, the grout might crack and crumble.

Bathroom Tile Installation work

Solution: Hire a professional or follow the correct grouting process to ensure a flawless finish that lasts.

Tile Alignment Issues: Uneven tiles not only look unappealing but can also create tripping hazards.

Solution: Take time to align and level the tiles during installation, ensuring a smooth and safe floor surface.

Choosing the Wrong Type of Tile: Going for aesthetics over functionality might seem tempting, but some tiles are not suitable for bathroom floors.

Solution: Select tiles designed for bathroom use, considering factors like water resistance, durability and ease of cleaning.

4. Downsides of Underestimating Ventilation

High humidity in Canada can wreak havoc on your bathroom if you don't have proper ventilation. Approximately 30-50% of residential buildings in Canada have moisture problems.

Let’s talk about the Pitfall of Neglecting Ventilation in your bathroom that could turn your dream into a damp nightmare.

Imagine, that your bathroom renovation is complete, and you step into your supposed oasis, only to face problems I've experienced too. The air feels heavy with humidity, creating a perfect breeding ground for mold that silently affects your health.  

Another common problem is lingering odours, as poor ventilation fails to remove unpleasant smells, allowing harmful fumes from cleaning or personal care products to linger due to inadequate ventilation.

Don't forget about the risk of structural damage caused by hidden water leakage and excess moisture, leading to costly repairs.

And lastly, frustration of constantly battling foggy mirrors and damp surfaces due to underestimated ventilation needs. And the nightmare of it all? Increased energy bills from running inefficient exhaust fans.

The lack of proper ventilation not only compromises the comfort and aesthetics of your bathroom but also poses potential health risks.

Here’s the solution: Ensure proper ventilation by installing a right-sized exhaust fan, suitable for your bathroom's square footage. Also, consider fan placement, especially when the toilet and shower are far apart.

Relying on a single, larger fan might not efficiently remove humidity from both areas. Opt for two smaller fans strategically placed for targeted ventilation, preventing downsides in your bathroom renovation.

5. Bathroom Storage and outlet Oversight

Ever felt like you forgot the key partner in your bathroom redesigning—storage solution? Imagine, you start your day surrounded by a mess of misplaced toiletries and tangled towels, hardly the calm morning you hoped for.

Choose a storage solution that's not just functional but also complements your bathroom's vibe. Decluttering becomes a joy when everything has its spot, making the space not just organized but also a breeze to clean. Let's look at a few practical solutions to problems:

Outlet Ordeal: Have you ever struggled to charge your devices in a bathroom with limited outlets? Lack of storage planning often leads to an outlet shortage. 

Solution: We often overlook the placement of electrical outlets within storage units – a game changer. Having the ease of dedicated drawers with electrical plugs ensures your grooming tools and devices are always charged without the outlet hunt.

Bathroom storage organizer

Shower Caddy Struggle: Tired of dealing with slippery shower caddies hanging on for dear life? Without built-in storage, these caddies become a daily struggle.

Solution: Built-in Shower Niches: Integrate shower niches during your remodel – they're perfect for shampoos, soaps, and even razors. Ditch the caddy and enjoy a clutter-free shower experience!

Counter Clutter: Are you overwhelmed by countertop chaos? When toiletries have no home, the counter becomes a battleground of products. 

Solution: Install open shelves or Vanity organizers to keep everything at arm's reach. No more searching – just grab and go!

6. Your DIY Skillset Dilemma

While you may be able to handle many DIY bathroom remodelling projects, overestimating your skillset in critical areas such as bathroom plumbing can quickly turn the dream into a risky reality.

One of my clients is a passionate DIY enthusiast with a knack for various tasks around the house. She delved into the project with high hopes. Little did she realize that bathroom plumbing wasn't just about fixing a leaky faucet – it demanded a nuanced understanding of complex systems, from water supply connections to drainage.

As my client attempted the plumbing tasks, she found herself overseeing the difficulty involved. The complexity of plumbing work surpassed her expectations, leading to frustrating leaks, and potential water damage.

Recognizing the risk involved, my client learned a valuable lesson: knowing when a project is beyond her capabilities. Instead of persisting with the plumbing challenges, she decided to hire professionals.

Bringing in experienced plumbers ensured that the work was done correctly, adhering to safety standards and local regulations. These professionals navigated unforeseen challenges and provided solutions that withstood the test of time.

Plumber working in client's bathroom

My client learned that taking on plumbing projects without the requisite expertise is a risky endeavour. Instead of turning your dream project into a plumbing nightmare, she advises others to recognize the limits of their skill sets and prioritize safety by enlisting the services of professionals.

In conclusion, bathroom renovation projects can add significant value and functionality to your living space, but they can also result in expensive and time-consuming issues if not planned correctly. By avoiding these bathroom remodelling blunders mentioned above and working with industry professionals, you can ensure a smooth and successful bathroom renovation project that will bring satisfaction for years to come.

Give us a call if you are looking for an ideal Bathroom upgrade service that fits your needs! We are here to guide you through this exciting process.

Published by: Falguni Patel

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